Alabhya Jindal

Code in Place

Yesterday I completed my final section for Code in Place 2024.

Code in Place is an online course from Stanford University where teachers and students come together from around the world to learn programming. It is based on the first half of Stanford’s Intro to Python, CS106A.

There were 12 students in my section. Each week we reviewed the materials and worked through a problem.

It was my first time teaching. I learned that preparation matters. I remember struggling in Week 2 when we got stuck and having a hard time guiding the students.

Enthusiasm matters more! I was well prepared for one of the sections but wasn’t excited enough. This reflects in the teaching style and I wasn’t happy with the job I did afterwards.

I am most proud of the last two sections. I was able to get the class engaged in the problem, be enthusiastic and help the students think about the problem themselves.

My favorite part of the course has been seeing the students have those aha moments! It was very satisfying to see them get stuck and then solve the problem on their own.

Screenshot of the Zoom session for the last section of Code in Place 2024 Zoom session during one of the sections

Screenshot of the Zoom session for the last section of Code in Place 2024 Last section yesterday