Alabhya Jindal

Life Is Strange

I just completed playing Life Is Strange. What a masterpiece.

I cannot recall this good of a storytelling in a video game. I loved the characters, music, pacing, freedom, episodic structure, Principal Wells’ voice, the choices, Arcadia Bay, Joyce’s love towards her daughter, Warren’s affection towards Max and more.

The game encourages exploration not in the sense of rewarding it in terms of some XP. But it rewards your own curiosity to learn more about the characters.

The episodic nature is great and it felt like a TV series. The amount of immersion created by video game experiences cannot be replicated by other forms of media.

Dealing with intimate elements is not common in video games and we need more games like these which do so.

It felt like I was transported to Arcadia Bay, seeing, and feeling what Max is. The textures and the environment make everything look dreamy and I loved that.

The characters in the game went through so much and I realized how much sadness exists in the world. We all go through so much in our lives. It is important to be kind and compassionate towards each other. It was so nice seeing Max making small talk with the various characters. The fisherman, cop, Samuel. It was heartwarming.

Thank you to everyone who worked on this game!