Week 12
Completed the coursework for Principles of Programming. I enjoyed learning why OOP is a bad paradigm. I don’t understand why grouping together data and functions is helpful in any way. It’s not as if we don’t have to manipulate the data from other objects. The step where we think about where a data “belongs” is not meaningful.
I liked Java more than I expected. Modifying and refactoring is quite pleasant, at least in IntelliJ IDEA. Now I understand what proponents of static typing mean when they mention fast refactoring as a benefit.
I went for a run with Deadleg Run Club on Thursday. The route was 5 km in distance. I followed Luke who was leading the 6 min/km pace. It was quite fast for me. I had to stop after 2 km. It was great fun. Still thinking if I should work towards improving my running. Hmmmmm.
I went to Bristol on Saturday. It’s an extremely beautiful city!!!