Week 15
We gave a demo of our game for Software Engineering and it went great. Laura did a fantastic job. We won the award for the best creative game content. That’s what I’m talkm bout!
I’m writing this on Wednesday so I’ll recap the past week up till this point. The Foundations of Computation exam went very well. It was similar to last year’s paper with the exception of two questions. I think I messed up those two questions! I used Anki a little bit for memorising some of the theorem’s conditions and it worked well.
I joined Deadleg Run Club for a 5k on Thursday and was able to run all the way! I had a Vegan Neapolitan Pizza afterwards.
I love the ducks in the park so much. How are they so fat? Where are they going? These are deep questions.
I’m so engaged in reading The Dark Forest by Liu Cixin. I purposefully didn’t read the book the day before the exam so I could revise.
I am trying different kinds of teas. I have the Wellbeing and Wind Down collection by Twinings and am trying them one by one. I have liked a Moment of Calm and Defence so far.