Week 21
I met with Julian on Monday and loved talking with him. He gave me a lot of keywords to research and also new ideas that we could potentially pursue. I have chosen him as my first preference for my supervisor.
Julian recommended the book A Practical Approach to Compiler Construction by Des Watson which I am enjoying reading. Understanding the theory behind compilers is feeling useful to me rather than “just” writing the compiler.
Tired of eating the same dinner everyday. I believe I have been having Super Veggie for 2 months now. I am eating dinner now and having difficulty taking another bite. I need to look for new recipes.
I had Samosas from Chai Walla yesterday and it was super tasty. I felt like I ate food after a long time since I have been treating food as a kind of chore, my meals being bland and devoid of taste. I also had KFC later after Jæž recommended their app deals.
We went to the American Museum & Gardens as a group for Green Minds on Saturday. There were rooms from the 17th and 18th century and they looked beautiful. I was wondering how the modern day rooms have gone down in their beauty even as our collective wealth has increased.
Loved watching Real vs City midweek. I saw Blue Velvet yesterday. Great film! Trying not to analyze movies - I didn’t research, read up or do anything related to the film after I watched it and it felt much better. Who gives a shit what anything symbolizes. Not everything is meant to be analyzed.